Well, I mean "Ad" is in my first name, so I guess that's enough to make it my calling, right?
Aside from that, I decided to start a blog on advertising because:
1) I like to talk about branding.
2) No one usually likes to listen to me talk about branding.
3) Someone important might actually read it sometime.
That, and I have the time on my hands.
All that being said, who am I to start a blog? Well, I suppose I'm like any other Joe Nobody who can publish something thanks to Web 2.0. I'm Adam. I'm a student at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications, Advertising c/o 2011.
I didn't realize I was interested in advertising until I started school. There were times in my life where I wanted to be, in order:
1) An artist
2) A professional basketball player
3) An engineer
4) An ESPN analyst
5) A newspaper editor
I settled on advertising, and it's kind of a blend of all of those things...except an NBA player, but then again, athletes are cornerstone spokesmen, so I'm not too far off.
I'll be using this blog pretty much to just babble about things related to advertising and to post ads I want people to see (the good, the bad, the ugly). Maybe I'll spout something enlightening, I just hope someone actually wants to listen.