Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I love hamsters

Now, I understand the cute metaphor, but really I think they're just playing to people's love of fuzzy lil' rodents. Who DOESN'T love a hamster fiddling with an mp3 player? It's kind of funny how that's a feature that is compelling about the product, despite the fact that I can play my iPod in my 97 Mercury with a $5 gadget that goes into the tape deck...

"I know what'll make it sell...put another hamster in the passenger seat, picking a song on the iPod! And make the other hamsters bob their heads! Brilliant!"

I don't know why more agencies don't experiment with the hamster realm, they make it too adorable to look away:

This all being said, I grew up with two hamsters. One day, one of them escaped and my dad went to the pet store and bought a new one that looked like the first. My siblings and I were fooled. For 8 years.

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