Wednesday, November 11, 2009

50th post: Best ad on TV 11/10/09 - Captain Morgan

The reaction has to be mixed for this one. Some are amazed by the ability to pour 40 shots from one container of booze. Some probably find the spot and/or the campaign amusing if not hysterical. And others are just freaked out by the reverse ventriloquist.

While it may indeed be a great example of a "random act of creativity," the ad in general is great because the branding is pretty clear (plus "Calling All Captains" at the end, which has been a campaign going for most of 2009) and the USP is made known in the first 2 seconds of the ad.

Besides Captain Big Shot, there are also Captain Improv, Captain Keymaster, and for Halloween Captains Monster Party and Extra Mile:

The spots are all the work of Grey Worldwide

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