Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mashups and sports commercials: mash made in heaven

Another incidence of recent pop culture overflowing into the industry:

This Gatorade spot, which remixes Muhammad Ali's famous promise, reflects a new-ish music trend. Mash up artists, previously confined to mixtapes and YouTube, are carving out a niche in the mainstream. They range from Joe Somebodies who have the software to throw together some tunes (that may or may not be copyrighted) in their respective dorm rooms to famous acts like Greg Gillis, aka Girl Talk.

Girl Talk live at Syracuse University's Juice Jam in Fall 2009

What prompted this post was the appearance of some new spots for the NBA which caught my eye (and more so my ear) last month.

I assume the spots come from Goodby, Silverstein & Partners because they are the agency behind the whole "Where...Happens" campaign (which has been brilliant through and through). They remix quotes from the NBA's best players and coaches on various subjects and set them to a beat, with a bit of T-Pain-style autotune for good measure.

Is it an original idea? No. DJ Steve Porter's "Press Hop," which appeared on YouTube last summer, is a very well done and hilarious mash of famous press conferences given by various players and coaches, and is done in the exact same style. I wouldn't be surprised if Goodby had contact with DJ Porter in crafting the NBA spots, although I also don't imagine with today's media technology that it is even that difficult to do.

The best of the spots however (seen here) has to be the "Where Defense Happens" mash, because of:

1) The inclusion of aloof Magic coach (and Ron Jeremy body double) Stan Van Gundy (right)


2) The inclusion of the only highlights of defense being played in the NBA ever known to exist

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