Saturday, October 24, 2009

Best ad on TV 10/22: Mac vs Windows 7

Thursday night prime time is always a great time to debut commercials, in my opinion. I'm not a big TV viewer and yet I can sit down and watch straight through for more than two hours (this week, if you're curious, was Flash Forward, the Office, 30 Rock, and It's Always Sunny. It helps to have a roommate who's a TV nerd).

Combine this time slot with a lot of young viewers, and you'll usually see some good ads. Throw in the launch of a new Windows OS and it's war.

Despite my last two posts endorsing anti-Mac ads, I have to find some way to appear non-biased. As far as the commercials go, Mac won on Thursday night. It may not really be prudent to buy a Mac instead of just upgrading your OS, but it becomes an inticing alternative for people entering the new computer market, especially if they've had a negative experience with a Windows upgrade or with a computer that started with Vista.

That's exactly what this one touches on. John Hodgman is always great as "PC," but he takes it to a new level in this one. I don't know what I like more, the 1995 flipping aviators or the creepy "trust me" smile.

It's tough to go against a 90% market share behemoth in any category, but TBWA time after time does a wonderful job playing David to Microsoft's Goliath.

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