Thursday, October 15, 2009

Verizon: Don't you forget about me

With all the buzz building around Apple's iPhone, it's about time the guys at VW retaliated.

There's a Map For That:

They could have gone the parody route, saying "there's an ap for" various ridiculous things, but the way they did this I think is awesome. Verizon has been using the "map," that is, the one of their 3G coverage, for a while. Finally they hammer home with consumers the basic advantage they have: if you buy an iPhone and go to AT&T, you'll lose 80% of the 3G coverage you could have with Verizon.

Excuse me as an aspiring ad practitioner for not bowing to the mighty Apple, but finally someone is swinging back at their snarky, indie spots they've been running for years.

It's good to see Windows taking a shot too, with the "I'm a PC, and I'm..." campaign. In the spots, they give people cash if they can find a computer within their budget, and it's always a PC because Macs are too expensive. Another clever way to take a shot at the ad giant's chinks in the armor.

Then again, if everything was about cost and functionality, this industry wouldn't exist. Thanks, Mr. Jobs.

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